Sentimental Audio Gift

Difficulty: Medium

Award Winning Project!



After my grandpa had passed away, I got the idea to build my mother a gift to show my condolences. I wanted to make my gift as memorable as possible and help her cope with her loss. That is when I came up with the idea to build a 3D printed box with a picture of my grandpa and I. The goal is to have his voice and his favorite song play at the press of a button. I luckily had saved a voicemail I had from him a year ago and I wanted my mother to remember his voice. At the press of the button, his voice as well as two other songs will play. The hearts around his picture will light up to the beat to mimic him talking to my mother. This is my favorite project I have created yet and I hope to share it all with you.


One of my favorite parts of projects is prototyping and watching your design come to life. For this project, I used a series of jumper wires in conjunction with a solderless breadboard and an Arduino to make sure what I was building was correct. I first pushed the Arduino into the board as well as the Micro SD Card reader and plugged them in. From far left when looking at the micro sd card reader, the first pin is ground and we can connect this pin to a ground on the Arduino. To the right is the VCC and we can power this to the 5v pin on the Arduino when testing. When actually building the project, we would want the VCC pin going to the VIN pin on the Arduino because the batteries will be supplying the power to both of the devices instead of plugging in a USB. The next pins to plug in follow from left to right: MISO(3rd from the left): Pin 12 on Arduino MOSI: Pin 11 on Arduino SCK: Pin 13 on Arduino CS: Pin 10 on Arduino Then we can plug the toggle push button into the solderless bread board. Jump one side to ground and the other side to the pin D3 on the Arduino. When this is pushed, it will send a ground signal to the D3 pin to let it know it has been pushed. Next, we can start with the speaker and the 2n2222 Transistor. Plug the transistor into the breadboard. Put the left most pin into a ground slot on the Arduino, the Middle pin next to a 220Ohm resistor, and have the resistor go to pin 9 on the Arduino. The far right pin on the transistor can go to the Positive on the speaker and the speaker ground can go into a ground spot on the Arduino. Finally we will plug in the LEDs to the Arduino. You can connect all of the ground on the LEDs(the shorter side) together and tie it to the ground pin on the Arduino. Next, the A0 pin on the Arduino will be the positive for the first two LEDs. We first connect two separate 220 Ohm resistors to the positive pin and then connect the other side to the positive end on the LED bulb(long side). Repeat this process for the next 3 sets of LEDs by plugging them into A1, A2, A3 slots.

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